Here’s more of “What’s cooking at SEGGER”.
We were looking for a quick and easy way to demonstrate an integration of SEGGER’s software libraries, embOS, emNet, emSSL, emMQTT and the IoT Toolkit, with IoT cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). Having the idea, the software, the hardware, and the expertise, all we needed was data. When in doubt, talk about the weather!
The SEGGER Global IoT Weather Network was born with the launch of Station#1 – our German Headquarters.
Check it out at:
The IoT Node is a SEGGER emPower Board, featuring a Kinetis K60 Cortex-M4 microcontroller, equipped with temperature and pressure sensors, plus a Wi-Fi module, all powered by SEGGER software.
For our Weather Network the information collected is temperature and pressure but the options are limitless. The IoT Node securely connects to the AWS IoT Core MQTT Broker to publish its sensor data. Using the AWS services the data is analyzed and made available for this website.
Besides being a great showcase project, we think it is pretty cool that the whole demo only took a week to design and to put together.
We are currently fine tuning it and plan to bring Stations 2 & 3 online soon – our locations in Silicon Valley and the greater Boston area.
You can become a part of our Weather Network and set up your own station. We plan to make the IoT Node project available, allowing it to be modified, rebuilt, and flashed at no cost using Embedded Studio. This is a great way to gain some experience with IoT and MQTT.
We plan to run this permanently in the upcoming live IoT demo section of our website.
Happy IoTing, more to come!