Killer features of the SEGGER linker, or what’s wrong with the GNU linker?

In the previous post, Rolf described some of the progress that we have made on the brand-new SEGGER linker. In this post I examine the gnarly problems with the GNU linker and how they are easily solved by the SEGGER linker. A follow-up post will examine more of the linker’s capabilities.

The SEGGER Linker – Replacing the GNU linker

At SEGGER, we pretty much use our own tools and products to develop our products. That includes using our middleware, such as embOS, emNet, emUSB, emFile, web and FTP Servers and so on, as part of the firmware of our J-Link, J-Trace and Flasher products.  And the other way round, utilizing the same hardware products, most […]

Getting printf Output from Target to Debugger

  Erich Styger recently posted a great tutorial on how to add console functionality using Single Wire Output (SWO) on ARM Cortex-M targets. This inspired me to write a more general post on debug output (“printf”) implementations on embedded target, including SWO and RTT. Debug Output from a Target There are different methods to get debug output from the […]