In the previous post, Rolf described some of the progress that we have made on the brand-new SEGGER linker. In this post I examine the gnarly problems with the GNU linker and how they are easily solved by the SEGGER linker. A follow-up post will examine more of the linker’s capabilities.
Posts in the Embedded Studio category:
The SEGGER Linker – Replacing the GNU linker
At SEGGER, we pretty much use our own tools and products to develop our products. That includes using our middleware, such as embOS, emNet, emUSB, emFile, web and FTP Servers and so on, as part of the firmware of our J-Link, J-Trace and Flasher products. And the other way round, utilizing the same hardware products, most […]
Performance tuning our software
As you may have noticed, SEGGER have introduced a cryptographic algorithm library, emCrypt. We released this product as existing and new customers wanted to use the “hidden” cryptographic capabilities of emSSL but didn’t need to run SSL/TLS as a protocol. Well, that is not entirely true, some customers already had licenses for emSSL but also […]
Update on: Comparing Performance on Windows, Linux and OS X
If you haven’t read the original post, have a look at it: Comparing Performance on Windows, Linux and OS X I got my computer upgraded 🙂 It is very tiny, an Intel NUC Kit. But what matters is what is inside: An Intel i7 with 4 cores and hyper-threading, so like 8 processors, 16 GB […]
Comparing Performance on Windows, Linux and OS X
Last week, I compared the speed of the 64-bit and the 32-bit build of Embedded Studio and the GCC compiler. The 64-bit version was the clear winner, with a performance gain of about 5 – 20%. But what can we get from working with different operating systems? At SEGGER, we developers are free to select the operating system […]
Embedded Studio for Windows: 64-bits vs. 32-bits
SEGGER Embedded Studio is available for all major operating systems, Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. For Linux, a 64-bit build has been available for some time and as of now, a 64-bit executable is also available for Windows. Why should I use a 64-bit executable?